Focusing Your Philanthropy in Treacherous Times


Ever wonder how your exposure to community needs through The Jewish Light, Spirit of St. Louis Womens Fund, Greater St Louis Community Foundation, United Way of Greater St. Louis and others can help guide your personal philanthropy?

NOW is the time! It’s time to leverage your philanthropy education and spirit of “repairing the world” to help our community now! 

Groups supporting immigrants, addressing food insecurity, economic empowerment, diversity, equity and more we have loved are all at risk of losing federal funding.  Although a federal judge put a stay on the Executive order cancelling the previously approved congressional funding, our friends in town have told me their reimbursements have all been delayed and many are being forced to furlough employees and or stop programs helping immigrants, families, seniors, the poor and more.

These community pillars and social safety net agencies could all use your extra support now. If you personally have some extra funds, or money sitting in your Donor Advised Fund, it’s time for you to make a contribution.  This could be the most impactful thing you do this year.

Here are a few sample names of terrific agencies and programs in different areas:

Agencies and programs helping immigrants include:

Casa de Salud
Collective Thread
Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Program
International Institute of St. Louis
International Mentoring – St. Louis
MICA – Migrant and Immigrant Community Action
Monarch Immigrant Services
Mosaic Project
Welcome Neighbor

Groups addressing food insecurity include:

City Greens
Earthdance Farms
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry
Operation Food Search
Rustic Roots
St. Louis Area Foodbank

Addressing Healthcare:

Affinia/Grace Hill
Behavioral Health Response
HP & E – Health, Protection, & Education
Jewish Federation (mental health)
Provident Behavioral Health
VOYCE – long term care ombudsmen

Addressing Housing, utilities, childcare:

Beyond Housing
Energy Care
Head Start programs everywhere
St. Patrick’s Center
Urban League of STL- energy/utility/weatherization assistance

Can you think of other valuable agencies or programs that are at risk of losing funding? I bet you can! Don’t wait – help them NOW!


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